Sunday, May 3, 2015

Preparation, Trepidation, and Motivation!

It is softball season!  My daughter Danielle has played softball for a long time; from her  elementary days all the way up to Division I in college.  She is now coaching her second season as the head coach for the Harbor Creek Huskies, where we both happen to teach.  My husband Rob, is her assistant coach.  As I mentioned in an earlier blog, they have a young team.  Throw in some very rainy weather  and a field that doesn't drain well, and you get a slow start for your season.  They still have one more game to play in order to be half way through the season!  It is going to be a busy May!

This week, the sunshine finally decided to come out for several days and they got a few well
deserved wins under their belt.  They even gave Northwestern a run for their money!
Northwestern is a good team.  They are undefeated so far.  I ended my Friday sitting on the bleachers soaking in some sun and enjoying an awesome game!  It was a close one all the way through and they were tied for several innings.  The Wild cats took the lead in the 7th inning 5-3.  We had one more chance up to bat.  They loaded the bases and gave it their all, but fell short this time.  With more experience playing as a team together, the more they will grow.  I was so proud of them!  I know they have many more wins in them as we begin the second half of the season.  I know those coaches will continue to prepare them for more situations until their response becomes automatic.

Not only are these girls a terrific bunch, they surprised their coaches by ordering these bows to wear in their hair.  That's a photo of Danielle wearing hers.  They are sporting the ovarian cancer teal ribbon!  We were all so touched and love the fact that these girls are behind us!  This week I hope to get a pic of the entire team with their bows in their hair.  When I was first diagnosed with ovarian cancer, Danielle's college softball team wore teal ribbons in my honor at several games.  I still have
the picture they sent me.  I cherish it.

I  ran into some high school friends at the field.  Who would have thought my daughter would be coaching some of my cherished friends children on her team!   I got to meet Michelle's adorable children, Manni and Caesar; my friend Shelly and her husband Mike were there watching one of their twins, Rachel play ball, and Deb was there too watching her daughter play.  Shell walked me out to the parking lot and gave me a beautiful prayer shawl.   No wonder I have been blessed with so much!
The bottom half of the picture is the "before" shot of one of the bedrooms.   The top half is the "after."  It's actually a gray on the walls in the  top pic, but it doesn't look gray in the pic for some reason!  What beautiful floors they found underneath the carpeting!

We have been helping Corey and Danielle paint, tear up carpeting, and tear down wallpaper in their house they just purchased.  The first day I got there, I was going up the sidewalk steps when I felt a zipper feeling on the outside right part of my knee.  Then I went down!  Not wanting to make a scene in their new neighborhood, I just sat on the step waiting for someone to come out looking for me.  I even said hello to a neighbor who was walking his rather large CAT!  Finally, Rob poked his head out to see what I was doing.  So I waved him over and explained.  Then, as another neighbor waved to Rob, I hung onto his forearms and hopped into the house!  How embarrassing!  Ma and Pa came to run me to the ER.   I am 49 years old and I still have my parents coming to my rescue!  I am very
lucky.  Long story short, it's either torn or strained.  I could not put any weight on it.  Seriously?!?!

I used crutches for a week and an immobilizer.  Recently, I had it checked by an orthopedic doctor.  He gave me a cortisone shot and I have been not too happy about that ever since.  Cortisone equals steroids.  I have had a rash and my stomach hurts from the roids.  I haven't been able to sleep well either.  I should have said NO.  The only good part is I can walk!  My friend Kathy brought us a delicious stuffed shell dinner.   That girl is always thinking of others.  My family was  happy about that since it's a busy season around here and that means I wasn't cooking much with crutches.  It is getting better.  I just need these steroids to wear off.  It reminds me too much of regular chemo and that sick feeling you usually have in your stomach.  Ugh.

Speaking of chemo, me and my Parps are doing well otherwise.  I have felt sicker from the steroids, but I know that's why I feel this way.  I have a CT scan tomorrow afternoon and blood work again in another 2 weeks preparing to see Dr. Krivak in Pittsburgh so we can see how I am doing overall with the parp inhibitors.  It has just become another part of my life popping 8 pills two times a day.  I have my phone alarm set and when it goes off I take them.  My family members love to tease me about the parp alarm!  At least I won't forget to take them, right?

ZaCh got hired at Perseus House, a juvenile residential facility where teens have been court ordered to live there and receive rehabilitation, coping skills, etc. to help them make better choices  rather than a life of crime.  He begins tomorrow!  He also plans to continue to work with his buddy Erik, a young man with autism.  So he is going to be a busy boy! We are very proud of him and think this should give him a great experience.

Andrew took his girlfriend Jensen and their friend Tiffany to a Cocktails and Color class for her
birthday.  They seemed to have a really nice time and their pictures  look great!  Andrew is heading for finals week!  He will be busy cramming and hopefully ending the semester on a positive note!  Good luck, Andy Pandy!

Yesterday, my fun sister-in-law, Michelle and I headed out to find a mother-of-the-bride dress, and. . . we found one!  It has been purchased!  I have it hanging on my closet door for these last 11 weeks of motivation.  Thank God for Spanx!  They should help too!  We had a great time trying on all kinds of dresses.

My talented sister-in-law designed the wedding shower invitations for us, as well as the wedding invitations.  We really need to get busy addressing and stuffing envelopes!  I can't believe how it snuck up on us! We just went to  a family friend's shower and had a wonderful time!  I hope ours goes well too.

On a final note, it is teacher appreciation week and nurse's day is this week as well.  If there is a teacher that has made a difference in your life be sure to thank them!  Alex brought me a delicious apple pie on Friday.  It had little apples cut out all over the top for the crust.  Adorable.

The sun is shining and it is a beautiful day!  Get out there and enjoy it!  I plan to try to walk a little out at the peninsula.  Let's see how that shot holds up now!


  1. Keeping you in my prayers Sue. Your positive attitude is so inspiring. We are all cheering you on to wellness my friend!
