Thursday, August 13, 2015

The Wedding: A Month Packed with Fond Memories!

The big day finally arrived!  All of the planning and preparing we did for the  two and a half year engagement was well worth it.  The ceremony was beautiful with a little bit of comedy- Danielle forgot the order of "In the name of the Father and the Son-"-flip flopping it- with nerves getting the best of her; the kids were also quite comical getting them down the aisle.  Then there were the vows that were quite touching as Danielle wiped away one of Corey's tears-I think he got everyone crying at that point.  Danielle was teary eyed but very composed after crying off and on for three weeks!  I think she got it all out working on their new house and moving out of her family home.  Lots of changes!!

So many family and friends gathered to witness and celebrate with us.  The church was packed.  It was very meaningful to see so many  present to witness their vows.  I am truly thankful for everyone that came to celebrate with us.  Then we were off for pictures and then to the reception.
                                                                                                             Obviously, I'm slightly biased, but I thought Corey and Danielle made a beautiful bride and groom.  As I look back over Danielle's 27 years, it's still hard for me to believe she is a grown, married woman! Where did  that little girl go who loved to play school with her brothers or wear my high heeled shoes  as she pranced around the kitchen.  Where did that little girl go that would talk incessantly to her dolls and dance around the house in her ballet or tap shoes?  I still remember wanting to keep her in a little bubble and being so worried when she went off to Kindergarten.  All the time we spent at dance recitals, band concerts, marching band shows, and softball games.  It's crazy how fast time goes by.   Then she met Corey at Youngstown State University where they had both been recruited as Division I  baseball/softball pitchers.  He was so shy and she picked him out the very first class they had during their Freshman year.  Granted, he did not remember having class with her, but she quickly reminded him of it as they had two classes in a row together and she went and sat with him for the second class.  They became friends and by their sophomore year, began to date.  The rest is history.

I must brag about the cake.  My Mom made it and Corey's Dad, Rick, made the cake box with their initials carved in it.   The top of the cake box also opens so they can store things in it.  Mom has been making cakes and taking cake decorating classes at Michael's for as long as I can remember.  We were so happy when she said she would like to make the cake for them.  A wedding cake is a bit more involved compared to making a birthday cake!  She did a fabulous job!  White cake with raspberry filling in the middle.  Mmmmmmm.  She even made a chocolate groom's cake.  Corey has more sneakers (tennis shoes, as he refers to them) than most women.  So of course Mom chose to make it about sneakers.    I believe he is up to about 55 pairs of shoes!  He is worse than a woman.  Hahaha

It was quite a family affair on the groom's side.  The ones with sunglasses are mine and Rob's sons.  Corey's brothers are the ones without.  They had a great time bonding and I know my boys' are thrilled to have gained another brother!  From the job Corey's brothers did with the toast, I would say they are quite happy to have Danielle as a sister-in-law.  They gave her lots of pointers about him and some pretty funny stories of Corey growing up.  Becky, Danielle's Maid of Honor, also did a terrific job on her speech.  It's always enjoyable to listen to stories of the past and hear about the bond the girls' made through their adventures.

 Danielle had Becky, her high school friend and softball catcher as her Maid of Honor.  She also had her cousin Julie, her college teammate and friend Jordan, her high school friend and teammate Stephanie, and her now sister-in-law, Emily.  What a beautiful wedding party they made!

They had two ring bearers and two flower girls too. Liddy and Ethan are our niece and nephew.   Liddy didn't quite make it down the aisle, which we figured would happen.  She is only 15 months.  Her brother, Ethan, 2 1/2 years old, did quite well!  So did Aubree, our great niece, age 3, and Kian, our nephew, age 5 1/2.  Pictures after the wedding were another story, but it was to be expected with nap time missed for several of them!
 Danielle coaches Softball at the local high school she teaches at.  Many of her girls' from the team came to see their coach get married and strike a pose with her.  It was so touching to see these young ladies at church supporting Coach Chase-now Coach Vukovic!  Many of the underclassmen were unable to make it due to a tournament they were playing in.  However, they were there in spirit!
 There's nothing like capturing a moment between Dad and Daughter!  I just love them so much!

 As soon as Corey got to the reception, he was ready to dance.  So once we ate, he got the dance floor moving!  As you can see, we had quite a dancing crowd.  The floor was packed for the entire five hours.  It was definitely a day to remember. 

Proud and happy parents, me and my hubby Rob!  

 Then, before we knew it, the day and night we had counted down to--- was over.  I took naps for the next two weeks after that!.  Danielle and Corey went to Montego Bay in Jamaica.  Corey received word that he had passed his Boards for Physical Therapy while they were away! There's always more to celebrate!   The Honeymooners returned and Corey went back to work while Danielle began teaching Colorguard for her Dad's high school band.  Back to reality!

As we prepare to return to school next week for my district, I plan to take a few more days to just relax and breathe!  Very soon I will have to hop  back onto that work schedule again.  I love my job, but it has also been nice to regroup and enjoy the days and nights of summertime.  My CA125 had jumped up from 59 to 150 in July.  However, I feel really good other than tired.  That is a symptom of the Lynparza (oral chemo I take) so I think between the wedding hustle and bustle and a bad case of poison ivy, that is probably why my numbers did a jump.  I will find out soon.  September 11th  is set for another scan and they will also check my CA125 numbers again.  Then, on the 18th I will head down to see my number 1 oncologist, Dr. Krivak.    In the meantime, I will be sure to take time to eat well, exercise, and breathe as I prepare my classroom for another year of learning and fun.  
 One more very important thing I want to put out there; September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month.  In honor of this disease that has no cure but has taught me so much, I want to ask you to keep an eye on my Facebook page and look for another blog on some ways you could help us find a cure and also purchase some very pretty arm candy!  More details to come soon! 

Have a great day and remember to SMILE at someone.  You may just make their day!  Until next time,