Have you noticed how everything is starting to bloom? The grass is so much greener and the leaves have popped out on the trees. Everything looks much prettier with all the color. The temperatures have been soaring this past week too. I could do with a little easing into that, however.
This past Wednesday was my student teacher's last day. The students and I really enjoyed having Miss Boots. Being typical seventh graders they even came up with some nick names for her. They called her Miss "Footwear" and Miss "Boots with the Fur!" It was refreshing to have yet another mature young adult as a student teacher. She was a wonderful role model for these young adolescents and it made me feel very positive about the type of teachers that are graduating from collegewith an education degree. She is a go getter and will actually continue on with her education earning a Master's degree in Special Education as a grad assistant. Her Bachelors degree is in Early Childhood which is from preschool thru Grade 3 and Special Education. She even had the opportunity to hang out with the Autistic classroom next door to me. We didn't even scare her away after she came to us from her Kindergarten placement! That's a big jump in grade levels!! We will miss having her around these last few weeks left.

Speaking of graduating, my first cousin, Adam, earned his Nursing degree at Cleveland State! He was already hired to work in one of the hospitals in the Cleveland area. We are very excited for him. He plans to work in the nursing field and eventually go on be an anesthesiologist. Impressive, I know! Although he is my first cousin, he grew up with my kids. My Mom and Adam's dad are siblings from a family of six. My Mom is the second oldest and my Uncle Matt is the baby of the family. (he hates it when I call him "Uncle" since we are only seven years apart.) Julie, Adam's sister, will sometimes work with Corey since they are both Physical Therapists and are employed by the same company. It certainly is a small world!

My very young first cousins, Adam and Julie |
I hope everyone took time to thank that special Mom in their life today and pay some sort of tribute to her whether you were able to spend some much needed time with her or said a special prayer for her if she is no longer with you. Maybe you didn't have a good relationship with your Mom and had someone else that was there for you. Whoever that may be, I hope you made her day just a bit more special. Maybe you don't have children, but have fur babies. They count too!! They are such a big part of our families! I got to celebrate with my Mom, kids, sister-in-lawMichelle, and the kids' significant others along with Dad, my brother Bob, and nephew Matt.
The guys made us a delicious breakfast that consisted of egg omelletes with all kinds of veggies, sausage, ham, and bacon if that was something you like. That was what Rob was working on. Corey made blueberry pancakes, and I think Zach was just stealing bacon! That sounds about right! Danielle had made a bowl of fresh fruit and we had donuts and danishes as well as orange juice and coffee. It was a breakfast fit for the Queens! The kids got me a sweet smelling candle and a Fit Bit! So now I have to get off my butt more and get 10,000 steps in every day. I only got 4,000 in today, so I've got to get moving as long as my joints aren't aching too much and I'm not so tired. I need to push through it regardless of those little parp side effects.
Me and my Mom <3 |
Corey, Rob, and Zach preparing breakfast. |
Jensen and Andrew enjoying some coffee and giving Sid some attention. |
Dad pretending to help!
After a delicious breakfast, Danielle and Corey were all about getting to their house to work some more on it and to borrow our lawn mower so the grass could get cut. They had a really busy week with Corey going to Youngstown State for some study tables in order to prepare more for his boards in July. . . yes I said July. . . the week before the wedding. No pressure! hahaha He was also able to pick up his cap and gown for graduation and get fitted for his wedding band for the final time. Of course, I'm sure he enjoyed some home cooking and the company of his parents.
 Danielle hadn't been over to the house this past week either because they had five double headers! Her and Rob would come home exhausted at 8 or 9 o'clock every night depending on where they were playing. I'm sure the team felt the same way. It was an exciting week, though! They beat Seneca, Girard, and Fairview, and played double header JV games against Iroquois with wins as well. The only loss this week was to Northwestern, 6-3. This puts them third in the region at this point.
This week should be interesting too. With only a week left to get any and all games in before playoffs, the higher ups decided this would be the week they would fix the softball field. This is long overdue. It has poor drainage issues and the past retired coach would spend hours working on it before games. Danielle only has her lunch period to work on it. Let me tell you, she is not making any fashion statements out there in her cleats with a pretty dress on! She has a full teaching schedule with no time to shop vac puddles and water outta there! It will be so nice to have a field with no more swim holes in it, but I can't help to think they probably should have asked to get it fixed after the season since it is so late! Next year it will be nice to not have to cancel games due to the poor drainage on the field, though. So I guess they'll just have to go with it.
Poor Sid, our dog, we think was stung by a bee yesterday. I was out (again) shopping for dresses for all of the upcoming festivities. Corey noticed Sid's face looked swollen. Sure enough, it was as if he had stuffed two big rolls inside his mouth and his eyes were tiny slits. We are pretty sure he tried to eat a bee and got stung. What a reaction he had. By the time I got home the swelling was going down nicely, but the poor guy woke me up crying at our door. So I got up at 2 a.m. and let him out. We played that game a few times. Eventually, I was googling what I could do to ease his anxiety and possible pain. I could not get a good look in his mouth to see where or how many times he might have been stung. Nor could I see a stinger. So that left the whole ice idea or baking soda and water. I didn't even have Benadryll on hand. I did have some Bach Rescue Remedy drops, though. So after laying on the floor with him, it said to rub a drop onto his ear and it would calm him down. Low and behold it worked! Sid finally fell asleep around 3:30, so then I was able to. I just slept on the couch to make sure he was okay for the rest of the night.

After the morning and early evening festivities, I had to head to school. I was at the elementary schools attending transition meetings on Friday so I had to finish my lesson plans and complete my Educator Effectiveness binder. This includes 4 domains regarding a classroom teacher. It has to do with classroom walkthroughs, a formal observation, a SLO or Student Learning Objective, and 35% of your score is based on how well the students you teach perform on the PSSA's. I was working on my binder looking for data that showed preparation and planning, my classroom environment, instruction, and professional development. Throughout the year, I had been sticking it into a binder, but I needed to label everything and put it into some cohesive manner. I arrived at school around 2 pm and left at 6:45 pm. I had been so busy finishing up my SLO collecting my last assessment using the Fountas & Pinnell Reading Assessment for the past week and a half, that I was quite behind on this part. At least it is done and I am ready to meet with Ms. Evans first thing in the morning. Then I have the last few bridal shower invitations to address, get them mailed out, and I will be in shower mode! Only 17 more school days to go and 11 weeks until the wedding! It's getting crazy around here!
One more thing: I will probably wait to blog next week Monday or Tuesday since I head down to see Dr. Krivak in Pittsburgh on the 18th to hear about my scan I had this past week and my CA125 that will be drawn this Thursday. Have a great week! Make each day count!
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