Dad with all of his grandchildren and great grandchildren | minus Zach |
This past weekend we celebrated my father's 77th Birthday! Double sevens. I told him this is his lucky year. Sevens are considered lucky. I started to wonder why? What makes seven so lucky? Of course we do have seven days in a week. There were seven ancient planets; the sun being the greatest and then the moon. In the book of Genesis, God created the world in seven days. There are seven colors in a rainbow, and who can forget the Seven Dwarfs? There are the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. There are even seven continents. How about 007 representing the secret agent number for James Bond.
If you are a Harry Potter fan, seven is very lucky. Besides the fact that author J. K. Rowling wrote seven books in the series, did you know that Ginny Weasley was the seventh child and only daughter? Harry Potter's birthday is in July, the seventh month. Wizarding students have to complete seven years of school at Hogwarts. There are seven secret passages leading out of Hogwarts. Have you checked out Harry's robe when he plays Quidditch? There is a number seven on it. Professor Moody was hidden in a chest that had seven locks on it. Even Lord Voldemort hid
six Horcuxes dividing his soul into seven parts, although he made an extra one. There are seven
maximum games played in the NHL during playoffs. Same with the MLB and the NBA. Musically, there are seven notes in the major and minor diatonic scale. There are so many significant things that deal with seven. Thanks Wikipedia for helping me share some of them.
six Horcuxes dividing his soul into seven parts, although he made an extra one. There are seven
maximum games played in the NHL during playoffs. Same with the MLB and the NBA. Musically, there are seven notes in the major and minor diatonic scale. There are so many significant things that deal with seven. Thanks Wikipedia for helping me share some of them.
Most importantly this year anyway, is my Dad who turned 77. He is one heck of a guy. He loves to go "feed the horses" at the race track. Golfing is another one of his favorite past times. Even after a hip replacement and knee surgery he still likes to get out there. Not as often as he used to golf, but enough to still enjoy the game. Of course if it is 85 degrees out, he is in heaven! The hotter the better for him. He has always been in the stands cheering his grandkids in all they participated in; wrestling, softball, baseball, and hockey. He still comes out and cheers Danielle and Rob on now that they are the coaches.
As he celebrates more birthdays, Dad has a few things that just get under his skin. I now know where members of
my family and I get our OCD from! Every time he sees Danielle has visited yet another Starbucks
establishment to purchase a drink, he goes on a tangent about how he would never pay $3.00 for a cup of coffee. He tells her how Mr. Starbucks made $9,200. per hour last year. Why do you want to help him make more money?! He does like to look up interesting facts on the Internet! Give him his perked Maxwell House and he is happy as a clam. In fact, he's even had words with McDonalds workers. Sometimes he'll go buy him and Mom a sausage Mcmuffin for breakfast, but he will not buy the sausage egg Mcmuffin because they charge almost $1.68 more for
the egg! He takes them home, fries up his own eggs and
enjoys it that much more because he didn't get "ripped off." Do not bring up the price of gas right now, either. He will just shake his head and tell you how we are barely paying $100 for a barrel of petroleum. In fact, he's been calling Country Fair lately to give them a little bit of hell for raising the prices! Finally, they gave him the number to the person who sets those prices. The problem is, this individual will not answer Bob's phone calls. So he leaves him a voice mail. Ohhh, how he keeps us laughing!
He loves his peanut M&M's, ice cream, and
Dots. He loves to play cards too. Whenever Mom comes over for a party, she always has bags and dishes. She loves to cook, but since they moved to an apartment complex just two miles down the road from us, they don't have the room to entertain big groups anymore. So we usually gather at my home. Their most recent purchase has been this white cart that they load up and then wheel it into my house. Of course, I was teasing him about it, and we got him laughing. That grin is from us and the fun we were having or a little 10 High blush; I'm not sure which. Either way, we love having them around. My mom had bought Danielle a cart like this only in purple, when she was in 4th grade and was a walker. She would load that thing up with her books and saxophone and off she would go. It was hysterical. She did not care what other people thought about it!
Dad is carnivorous. Mom is always trying to get him to eat more veggies. The only way he'll eat his broccoli is if she melts cheese over top of it. One particular vacation we went on when I was a child was down to Virginia Beach. I remember dad ate about four plates of shrimp! It looked like a graveyard. He keeps trying to get me to eat fish. I'm allergic to halibut and haddock, and just never have become a big fan of it. Dad enjoys mystery meats on occasion such as the giblets in gravy at Thanksgiving and head cheese from the deli department. Have you ever seen what that lunch meat looks like?! UGH. Mom and Dad loved bringing me braunschweger or kieshka when I was on chemo and would finally get to a point where I would be hungry. Tomato sandwiches, too.
Dad is set in his ways and is a routine kind of guy. Every morning he rises at 4:30 a.m and reads the paper from front to back. Then he works the crossword puzzle. He still has a part-time job because he always needs to be doing something! We've been telling him to quit, but he refuses. So he delivers flowers to local companies as well as to Jamestown, Dunkirk, and sometimes Ohio.
We love to get him laughing because once you do, he laughs so hard he cries as he tips way back in his chair and his eyes become like slits. He tells us he hears just fine, but after working all those years in a shop he doesn't always catch what you are saying. This has brought lots of laughter in a fun kind of way what he deciphers we said vs. what we actually did say. He's always a good sport about it and we love to reminisce with him about some of those misinterpretations. We are lucky to have him in our lives and look forward to another fun filled year of memories. Love you, Dad!
It is wedding craziness at the Chase household! We were hoping to be stuffing and addressing wedding invitations this past weekend since we had Monday off in remembrance of those who
fought for us. However, the company we went with had some technical difficulties and still hadn't even sent them out to be printed. . .thankfully, we believe it has been resolved and they were sent to print Monday night. So we needed to start on the shower favors and get those done in order for the upcoming weekend to be free to work feverishly on getting them mailed out just in time. Needless to say, we are all covered in modge podge, fuschia glitter, and glaze, including the animals! I never realized how messy glitter was until I finished working with it last night.
I put the final coat of glaze on the wine glasses and I must say, I am quite happy with how they turned out. We ran more errands and picked up more items we needed. A final meeting with the winery owner is set for tomorrow to go over last minute details for the shower.
Michelle has been busy printing and cutting out Chinese Auction numbers. She's done a lot of running around with me for supplies. It's a good thing too. Add some chemo pills and little over load on things to do, and who knows where I would have ended up. It's been a great help and she keeps me laughing. A big thank you to my brother-in-law Scott who has enjoyed some extra time with his son Kian the past several weekends. It just made it easier to shop, try dresses on, and pick up supplies. I believe Kian enjoyed himself as well playing with his excavator at home in the garden. He even wanted to try it out on my Dad's brownies thanks to my brother for giving him the idea!
Rob has had a rough weekend. He has had a pinched nerve in his back it seems. We call it the Chase curse. Grandpa Chase has a bad back, and so do Rob, Tim, and Michelle. It has been pinching at his tail bone and down his leg. Even his calf and outside of his foot are numb. He had been to the chiropractor at least three times this past week. Thank God his chiropractor is one of his great friends. This weekend, however, he mowed the lawn and I think that might have done it. He has been to the Emergency Room at the suggestion of his chiropractor and got a steroid and an anti-inflammatory shot. He is also taking pain meds. This is not a good thing. He is in a lot of pain. You know he is hurting when he takes off from school. He is on the couch laying flat. Anytime he tries to walk, sit up, or stand he is in pain. I hope it heals soon. He is not a happy camper. I think he may be heading to the E.R. again tomorrow to try and find some relief. He was hoping to make it to school at least a half day to see his seniors on their last day of school, but I don't see that happening. Say some prayers for him if you could, please. fought for us. However, the company we went with had some technical difficulties and still hadn't even sent them out to be printed. . .thankfully, we believe it has been resolved and they were sent to print Monday night. So we needed to start on the shower favors and get those done in order for the upcoming weekend to be free to work feverishly on getting them mailed out just in time. Needless to say, we are all covered in modge podge, fuschia glitter, and glaze, including the animals! I never realized how messy glitter was until I finished working with it last night.
Michelle has been busy printing and cutting out Chinese Auction numbers. She's done a lot of running around with me for supplies. It's a good thing too. Add some chemo pills and little over load on things to do, and who knows where I would have ended up. It's been a great help and she keeps me laughing. A big thank you to my brother-in-law Scott who has enjoyed some extra time with his son Kian the past several weekends. It just made it easier to shop, try dresses on, and pick up supplies. I believe Kian enjoyed himself as well playing with his excavator at home in the garden. He even wanted to try it out on my Dad's brownies thanks to my brother for giving him the idea!
I hope everyone gets out and enjoys the beautiful weather! I was in heaven sitting out in the sun a little at a time each day this weekend! There is nothing like that sunny feeling. Ohhh how I have missed it! I plan to make up for it this summer now that I got the go ahead from my oncologist. It's been a good week for the most part for me. I had a bit of a cold/virus but some extra napping is helping me fight it off. One more glorious thought about the number 7. . . only 7 more school days left! I love my job, but I am so ready for summer! Get out there and make someone's day!
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