I have to say, this was the first time in my teaching career I did not make it into school before August. There just wasn't time. So once that month hit, I knew I needed to get busy. Thanks to Pinterest I found a few new bulletin board ideas. It's a good feeling to get those done and out of the way so that once we start with In-Service training, I can focus on anything new that is introduced to us.
My Special Ed Director got us all started with "Smiles" and a video that brought smiles to our faces. The chocolate smile sucker was another plus! We were given our caseloads that seem to be getting bigger every year and a reminder that we will be spending some time training more for Indicator 13. This has to do with the Transition section on the IEP's we write. It's always good to stay up on the latest through training. So we are up and running for a successful year.
Another exciting part about starting up this school year is the fact that my nephew, Kian started Kindergarten! I was unsure how his Mom and Dad would hold up watching their one and only little world get on that school bus and begin his education, but he made it quite easy on them. That boy LOVES buses! So to get to ride on one every day to school is AWESOME in his eyes!
Danielle asked him what his favorite part of the day was and Kian replied, "Riding on the bus!" What is your least favorite part of the day? "They make me stay there ALL DAY!" Ohhhh the things they come up with! So he is beginning a new routine and seems to really enjoy it. I'm sure I will have many more stories from Kian as the school year continues! The one I must share this time has to do with lunch. His mom, Michelle, was looking on the lunch menu last Thursday night. She asked Kian what Big Daddy's Pizza was. He said it's when the dad's come to lunch and eat pizza with you. Well, Kian's dad lives on pizza alone. He insists it has all 4 food groups and it is good for you. To each his own. . . . anyway, being the Dad Scott is-he doesn't miss out on anything-he went there to eat lunch with Kian on Friday only to find out that this is what the name of the pizza brand is they serve! Thankfully our elementary schools have a great policy and allow parents to eat lunch with their child, so Scott stayed for his favorite food! There were three other dads that were there as well. They must have gotten the same memo from their kids!
Well, I made it through the first two and a half days of school and ended up missing a day and a half from the flu. Apparently my immune system was still on summer vacation. I am still napping after work and taking three hour naps on the weekend, but eventually I think I will adjust. I'm also doing a lot of drinking those Bolthouse veggie drinks to stock up on more antioxidants.
Last week I went for bloodwork, and unfortunately, a blood vessel broke, so as she was pulling out the needle from my port, it looked like a bad horror film for a few minutes. This nurse was so skilled, she did
not get one drop on my blouse! She thought for sure she did. Afterward I bruised from it but my bloodowork came back good, so that's all that counts. I am anxiously awaiting for this Friday. I have a CT scan in the morning and they will take my CA125 again. It went up from 50 to 159 at the end of July, but I am hoping that the added wedding planning stress and a bad case of poison ivy caused that. Then on the 21st, I will take a ride down to Pittsburgh to visit my favorite oncologist, Dr. Krivak.
I have been tired since going back to work, but that is also a side effect of the Parp Inhibitors I am on. Plus it has been so hot this past week. Who doesn't feel drained at the end of the day? My stomach has been funky and I haven't been as hungry; in fact, I am down 10 pounds, but that could be from having the flu. Don't worry, I have another 25 extra pounds lying around, so I'm trying not to worry about that either. I've been trying to lose weight for over a year! So when all of a sudden, you drop ten, it makes me a bit curious. I tend to panic a bit with any little change, but I think that goes with all that I've been through. I just have to stay strong and be positive. Everything is fine. Those spots are disappearing or dying off from the oral chemo I am taking, right?! Soon I will know what is going on inside and that will bring me some relief, I am sure.

My other friend, Rob Ludwig, is also a thyroid cancer survivor. His fight has been more involved and he has an awesome scar right across his neck. He has been in remission for almost two years. He's been fighting for almost five years with one recurrence. Rob has had to deal with keeping his thyroid controlled through medication as does Kathy, which causes hot flashes and a flushed face for him. He's the only guy who understands me when I am sweating up a storm one minute and cold the next! He continues to go for scans and bloodwork to make sure his numbers are where they are supposed to be. I love his zeal for life! He is so uplifting and full of fun. He always keeps me laughing and he is one hell of a fighter! There is also Kristie Curtis, who I met through Kathy and aerobics class. She also went through a scary time getting her thyroid removed. God never gives us more than we can handle. Apparently, he thinks we are a bunch of bad asses!

It's called the Evans-Krivak Gynecological Research Education Fund. We are selling beautiful Keep Collective bracelets and necklaces. A portion of the proceeds will go to the fundraiser. I am one of the hostesses as well as Susan and several other women.
Susan also wrote a book about her experience (picture below). All proceeds go to the fund, so if you are ever looking for a great read, check it out! She and her husband started the fund for Dr. Krivak and do a ton of traveling and speaking regarding her journey and the need for a cure. God bless them and all they are doing for Research and Education!
Enjoy Labor Day! It is a yearly tribute to all the contributions our workers have made to our country.
Until next time,
Susan Evans book-it's a great read! Check it out! |
Giving up is not an option! |
Wishing you a great school year Susan! Thank you for shining the light on Thyroid Cancer awareness month. I too have the badass scar across my throat and live with the effects each day. Praying for a good scan for you my friend.
ReplyDeleteThanks Sue! I totally agree in regards to Mr. Krahe and Mrs. Hess kicking off the school year in style. I NEED that EVERY year! Have a great weekend nap!